XV Congrès International de l'IUSSI, Washington, DC, USA, 30 juillet - 4 Août 2006
At the XV international meeting of the IUSSI in Washington D.C., USA, the following officers were elected to serve on the international committee of the IUSSI:
Secretary General: Joan Herbers
President: Koos Boomsma
Editor of Insectes Sociaux: Johan Billen
Associate editors of Insectes Sociaux: Penny Kukuk, Yves Roisin.
Other officers that agreed to continue their previous positions at the meeting were:
Conservation officer: Donat Agosti
Archivist: Chris Starr
Webmaster: David Nash
The election of Koos Boomsma to the office of president is in association with the selection of Copenhagen as the site of the next international congress in summer 2010, which will be organized by the British Section.
The first Hamilton Award was given at the same meeting, to Ross Crozier.
The International IUSSI web site has also been moved to a new server in Copenhagen, although hopefully no-one has noticed the change, as the address (http://www.iussi.org) remains unaltered. Many thanks to Mike Breed for supporting the previous server, and for help with migration to the new server.