Autres Sections de l'IUSSI
IUSSI International
Europe centrale (ancienne Section Allemande)
Japonnaise (depuis 2012)
Nord Américaine
Europe Nord-Ouest (ancienne Section Britannique)

Journal Insectes Sociaux - C'est le journal de l'IUSSI qui est publié sans discontinuité depuis 1954
FORMIS 2012 available - FORMIS is a composite of several ant literature databases. It contains citations for a large fraction of the world's ant literature (~54,000 references). This database is designed to allow convenient searches of titles, keywords and abstracts when available. Citations from this database can be exported to create specialty databases or personal reprint indexes. Many records now have links to PDF reprints. Online searches can be done at: http://fm.cits.fcla.edu/fm.jsp
Mendeley - C'est un logiciel gratuit de gestion de références bibliographiques avec des modules de réseaux sociaux académiques qui permettent l'organisation des recherches, la collaboration en ligne et la découverte des dernières publications.

PLAZI - an association supporting and promoting the development of persistent and openly accessible digital taxonomic literature (D. Agosti).
INSECTS - A network of European labs working on Social Insects

iubs.org - International Union of Biological Sciences.
antbase.org - Antbase now provides for the first time access to all the ant species of the world, one of the ecologically most important groups of animals worldwide.
Global Ant Project - This is a resource website for the worlwide community of myrmecologists, prviding resources and tools for the study of ants.
The Guide to Beekeeping for Adults and Kids - This website, developed by students at the W.B. Goodwin Community Center, gives good basic information about beekeeping.
Alex Wild Photography - Ressources photographiques d'insectes sociaux et bien d'autres.
Société Entomologique de France - Liste des Réseaux entomologiques spécialisés de France.
